Liam Hemsworth shows up as a pilot and we’re given some background info on him. There are plenty of returning faces such as Jeff Goldblum, Judd Hirsch and Bill Pullman who played the President in the first film. We learn that the character Will Smith played in the original film has perished, and his stepson is following after him. All seems to be well until there are signs of another attack. So the film picks up 20 years after the original with the people on earth having rebuilt what was once destroyed. Gone is the fun of the original film and the thrills. I’m not sure if they feel this is what modern audiences want, but that’s the case here. One issue I have with a lot of recent remakes, among other films lately is that they’re just so serious all the time. It never pretended to be more than a big, dumb summer blockbuster. I’ll admit that it’s been some time since I saw the original film, but I did enjoy it for what it was. Maybe he read the script and saw how awful it was? Who knows? While Smith has starred in some serious duds, especially more recently, his absence is felt. One of the reasons floating around was that he wanted too much money. It was highly publicized that Will Smith would not star in this sequel. Honestly, after sitting through this dreadful sequel, that’s a blessing. I doubt we’ll get a third entry any time soon. The filmmakers clearly learned the hard as the sequel barely crossed the $100 million mark in the U.S. It’s unusual for a movie as big as Independence Day to not get a sequel until 20 years later. Esprit, Richard Beal, Robert Loggia, Robert Neary, Ron Yuan, Ryan Cartwright, Sam Quinn, Sela Ward, Stafford Douglas, Stephen Oyoung, Travis Hammer, Travis Tope, Tyler Kurtz, Vivica A.Plot: What’s it about? Video: How’s it look? Audio: How’s it sound? Supplements: What are the extras? The Bottom Line Plot: What’s it about? Usher, Joel Virgel, Joey King, John Christian Love, John Storey, Johnny Otto, Jonathan Richards, Joshua Mikel, Judd Hirsch, Kenny Leu, Lance Lim, Liam Hemsworth, Maika Monroe, Matthew Munroe, Mckenna Grace, Michael Davis, Mona Malec, Monique Candelaria, Nicholas Ballas, Nicolas Wright, Omar Diop, Patrick St. Hill, Jeff Goldblum, Jenna Purdy, Jessie T. Murrieta, Jacob Browne, Jade Scott Lewis, James A. Jones, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Chin Han, Deobia Oparei, Diana Gaitirira, Donovan Tyee Smith, Evan Bryn Graves, Garrett Wareing, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Grace Huang, Hays Wellford, Ivan G’Vera, J.P. Cast: Aaron Tyler, Alice Rietveld, Alma Sisneros, AngelaBaby, Arturo del Puerto, Ava Del Cielo, Ben Wang, Beth Bailey, Bill Pullman, Brent Spiner, Casey Messer, Catharine E.