Juli 2023
5 Juli 2023 - 12:44
Mocha fx
Mega Plate vs Mega Clean Plate - What is the difference?.
Identifying the type of camera movement.
Exporting Shape Data to Silhouette Shapes.
Exporting Shape Data to Blackmagic Fusion Shapes.
Exporting Roto, RotoPaint and SplineWarp Nodes to Nuke.
Exporting Flame Gmask and Flame Gmask Tracer data.
Exporting as Mocha shape for After Effects Data.
Exporting Tracks to Quantel generationQ systems.
Exporting Tracks to Inferno, Flame, Flint, Smoke and Combustion.
Exporting Tracks to Final Cut Pro or Final Cut Express.
Exporting Tracks to Adobe After Effects.
Working with Difference Mode and Stereo Offsets.
Painting Splines with the Area Brush Tool.
Rotoscoping with Magnetic and Freehand Tools.
Translate, Rotate and Scale your Splines.
Changing the Master Frame for a Reference Point.
About Master Reference Points (the red X).
AdjustTrack with More than Four Reference Points.
Dealing With Obstructions or Reflective Surfaces.
The Relationship Between Splines and Tracking Data.
Project Frame Offsets and Clip Frame Offsets.
Creating a New Project in the BCC 10 Mocha PixelChooser.
Creating a New Project in the Mocha Pro Plugin.
Creating a New Project in the Mocha Standalone application.
Loading Projects containing the Mocha VR Plugin.
Applying the Mocha HitFilm or Mocha Pro Plugin inside HitFilm.
Dealing with Alpha Channel Input and Output.
Basic workflow for the Mocha OFX Plugin.
Adding the Mocha Plugin inside Vegas Pro.
Adding the Mocha Plugin inside Silhouette.
Adding the Mocha Plugin inside The Foundry Nuke.
Adding the Mocha Plugin inside Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio.
Adding the Mocha Plugin inside Autodesk Flame.
Applying the Mocha Plugin for Avid Media Composer.
Applying the Mocha Plugin for Adobe Premiere.
Applying the Mocha Plugin for Adobe After Effects.
Om Mig: