I already mentioned autocompletion, but there’s also code generation: no more manual setup for classes, traits, enums, interfaces or tests. We go to great lengths to ensure that you have the best possible coding experience.

It has a deep understanding of PHP’s type system and on top of that, we have full built-in support for Composer, allowing you to manage dependencies all from within PhpStorm. There’s error detection: from syntax errors to deprecation notices, PhpStorm will tell you what’s wrong.

There’s extensive code completion: from classes to functions, from arguments to variables, and anything else you can think of, PhpStorm will always have suggestions for you. We’ll start with PhpStorm’s core business: PHP code. Today I want to show you PhpStorm in action, and why it’s a great choice for PHP developers. It also has support for SQL and databases, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, version control, quality tools, frameworks, and so much more. It’s an integrated development environment - an IDE - for PHP developers. Also, here’s the full transcript if you’d like to read it: